Sunday, May 31, 2009

My how the time flies by...

We got together with friends is a picture of me, Kristen and Karyn on the bus in 2nd grade on a field trip in 1983!

And here we are 26 (!!!!) years later.....Karyn, me & Kristen

And here are our girls, not too much younger than we were when we met...Avery, Ruby & Gracie. Can you guess who belongs to who? :)

Grammy & Grampa visit

We had a great time over Memorial Day weekend with Grammy & Grampa. Grampa took some great photos that I will post soon. I can't seem to get them to save right now. We had fun riding bikes, watching the parade, eating outside at one of our favorites Gritty's, shopping, watching baseball, eating lobster, hanging out and having fun! Thanks for a great weekend.

The three doggies...

Avery's silly grin before it was more toothless!

We saw a fun memorial day parade downtown Brunswick....
Here they are...Sophie had fun watching the baths :)
Avery got a new bed! Well, an old bed that used to be mommy's when she was growing up.

Our little girl is growing up!

Ave lost her two front teeth--the bottom two grown up teeth are already growing in. She looks so much older! She also took off like a champ riding her two wheeler--I will post a picture of that soon :)

And here it is...and one of Avery and Daddy riding together...they can't wait to ride down to Cote's for ice cream!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Sharing one of my favorites

This is one of my favorite George Strait songs performed by Taylor Swift at a tribute concert--amazing! Enjoy!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

My sweet children woke me bright and early (even though I requested an 8am wakeup call ;) Avery was so proud of the bag of goodies that she had made me at school. Daddy and Avery also helped Cooper make me a card with his hands traced on it. Avery was very excited to bring me breakfast in bed. I requested a bowl of cereal and coffee since we were going out for brunch. We had a great brunch at Mae's Cafe in Bath. We had to wait for a table (they told me no reservations) and then wait for our food and the kids were great--even the 2 year old! Later Avery and I got some time together doing some shopping--fun :) A great mother's day--I love my little kiddos!

NH trip

We spent Friday in NH with our good friends Kim & Eric and their cute kiddos Kailee and Alex. Cooper and Alex were able to play a little more now that Alex is a toddler and not a baby anymore--they are 9 months apart. Avery & Kailee played together really well too. We had great weather to enjoy the beautiful back yard. It was great to catch up!