Monday, August 23, 2010

First day of Preschool!

Cooper was up, dressed, shoes and all and ready to go at 7:30--too bad school doesn't start until 9! :) Here he is posing with Avery.......and just posing!

Sweet boy!
Silly face!
My backpack!
My new school...Orange Park Presbyterian Church Preschool (OPPC)
Coop hung up his backpack, put his snack in the snack basket and got right to work with the play dough. He is in the Rainbow class--the 3 year olds. He had a great day!

Monday, August 16, 2010

First day of second grade!

Avery started her first day of 2nd grade today. She was very excited--and a little apprehensive. She said "I still feel like a 1st grader."

Her new backpack--already adorned with some of her beloved little trinkets!
Mrs. Berg's classroom

Have a great day Ave!

It has been a long time since I posted. I have too many pictures from summer to post here, so I will send a link to family to a website where you can look at all of them. I promise to be better!