Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Fall Saturday

 Cooper had his last soccer game today.  As he has done almost every week, he refused to participate at first.  As you can tell from the hats and gloves--it was chilly this morning.
 Once they started the game, he decided to play.  Every week he would get out there and have fun--and he is good!  He is fast and he can dribble and shoot the ball!

 Good game boys!
Coop getting his medal from Coach.
The whole team.
 Last Saturday we were shoveling.  Today we were raking and jumping in the leaves--much better way to spend a fall Saturday.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

 Halloween Parade at Holland

Trick or Treat!
 Vampiress and Lightening McQueen race car driver

 Ready to head out with the neighborhood crew

Fall visitors

Aunt Sheila & Uncle Dave visit
 Coop did not want to participate in this photo...
 Grampa, Grammy, Grandma Palmer, Auntie & Mallory visit
 Pumpkin Patch

 Avery always cracks up Mallory
 Cooper again...not a fan of getting his picture taken!
 He also cracks Mallory up!
 Mallory sitting and reading her book while Cooper and Avery wrestle!

First Day of School 2011

First Day of 3rd grade--Holland Elementary
 First day of Preschool--Breezy Point Day School

Summer catch up...

Tubing with the McDonalds on Kingsley Lake.

Celebrating Ben & Elizabeth's birthday in NC

Mystic Seaport, CT

 Nana & Papa's pool!

Hanging with cousin Mallory

 Rowing with Uncle Dave
 Teaching Uncle Dave how to use his iPhone
 Grandma Palmer
 Heading down to Seneca Lake