Thursday, January 27, 2011

Father Daughter Dance

The girl scouts hosted a father daughter dance at the high school. Luckily Matt was home to take Avery. She was so excited! Here she is with Isabel.

...and this is how excited Matt was!
Daddy & daughter

Matt, Avery, Isabel & Rich
Silly girls!
They were wild, but had fun!


Riley never gets much attention on the blog--so here he is--in one of his favorite spots--our bed! His days consist of moving from bed to bed to couch--ah the life of a dog! Our old man!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Little Gym Performance

Introducing...Cooper Jones!Backward roll with Miss Julie
Forward roll
Donkey kicks!
Cooper and his friend Gracie
Bars with Miss Holly

On the podium with his medal--so proud!

Cooper & Carson--love this picture!
The whole class

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Kiehle Christmas

The three kiddos

The girls

Adrianne, Mike & Mallory

Grammy & Mallory
...being the center of attention
Maizie, Mallory, Mike & Rodney
Maizie & Mike with Mallory
The last night of our trip, Coop got some pool time in with Uncle Dave

New Year's Eve

Pillow Pets!Auntie :)
Uncle Mike & Cooper get ready to build
Avery takes a break
Ready to work!
Mackenzie loves Mallory!
Grammy kinda likes her too!
My sweet cheeks!
The girls
Uncle Joe had someone very interested in his trains!

Coop learned how to work them and everything...he loved it!

Christmas at Seneca Lake

Avery shows Grammy & Grandma Palmer how her new DS works. ...again, Cooper refused to get in the picture!
just gotta catch him of guard! :)
Grampa helps with a new toy
Always have to go down to the lake...
Brr! The kids didn't mind, but man, I was cold!
Sophie loves her sticks, so Avery tied some up with a bow.
A man and his dog!