Monday, March 23, 2009

Maine Maple Sunday

We went to Cooper Farm to experience Maine Maple Sunday. We were able to go into the sugar shack and see how they make maple syrup. Avery was more excited about the maple lollipop, the animals, and the free scoop of vanilla ice cream with syrup on top. Cooper was more excited about the mud and the farm machinery.
Matt's self portrait with the cows :)

Cooper was not so sure about the miniature horses!

As you can see it is still cold with snow on the ground here.

Pure heaven for Cooper!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Cooper!

Cooper's dirt cake--yum!!

Make a wish!

Chu & Lucy....Ashley & Jackson

Big kids cake picnic

Big truck!Present time!All the kiddos :)
Happy Birthday!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

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Here is a preview of Cooper's 2 year picture session--so stinkin' cute!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Reading books with Daddy

Cooper & Avery are so happy to have Daddy back home! Here is a cute picture of Cooper and Daddy reading one of his favorite truck books.
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Monday, March 9, 2009

NY Trip

We had a great stay over at Aunt Sheila and Uncle Dave's on our way...thank you!

The kids went on a walking adventure with the grandpas--can you believe they have no snow on the ground!

Mackenzie & Cooper

Cooper, Mackenzie & her grandpa (my uncle Joe) & Avery

Avery loved Grammy & Grampa's new puppy Sophie!

If you sat in Sophie's chair she joined you :)

The kids had fun together.
Hanging out with Grammy.

We had an early birthday celebration for Cooper--here they are waiting for ice cream.

Cooper was very excited when we sang to him--he looked around at everyone and said 'happy!' It was good practice for the big day coming up!
We had a great time visiting everyone!