Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Merry Christmas!

We had wonderful Christmas celebrations. We opened presents with Nana & Papa the day after Avery's birthday--thanks for traveling in the blizzard! Yikes!! It was worth it to see the looks of joy from Avery and Cooper as they opened the American Girl doll and the remote control cars :)

We had a great Christmas day at home. Santa brought Avery a horse for her American girl doll and for Cooper Elmo live. ...and stockings full of goodies.

Adrianne and Mike joined us later in the day and we opened presents with them and then headed over to our friends, the Orletskis for dinner--yummy--thank you!

The day after Christmas we traveled to New York. On our way to Kiehle Christmas we enjoyed our stay at Aunt Sheila & Uncle Dave's as usual :) Kiehle Christmas at Aunt Joan & Uncle Joe's was fun and an all day event as usual!

The following day we enjoyed breakfast with the Kiehle's and then hit the road back to Albany for Swedish Christmas with Matt's family. We had a great time! I will post pictures as soon as I get some from Nana's great new camera (I didn't take any pics at all!)

We enjoyed time with family and all of the great traditions. Thank you to everyone for making this such a great Christmas for us all.

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