Saturday, December 12, 2009

Merry (early) Christmas!!!

We missed going out in the snow in Maine to cut our own tree this year. A grass lot on the side of the road just doesn't have the same feeling. However, we got a very nice tree and the kids had fun helping us decorate it. Make a silly face Coop!
Papa was down our way for a business conference and we were lucky enough to have him come over for dinner and bedtime stories :)

Looking up at the lights.
Avery loves decorating for holidays :)
Matt is leaving tomorrow on detachment for three weeks. So, we celebrated with our little family early today. We opened gifts from each other and let the kids each open one from us.
Cooper was SO excited to open up a matchbox truck that hauls matchbox cars! :)

Avery wore her Christmas dress for the occasion (so cute!) She was very excited to open up a Barbie pet vet set :)
Matt was very excited to open up a new toy too--PS3! And a new game and controller from Mom and Dad (mine). We were both excited to open a Keurig coffee machine from Mom & Dad (his) and I was excited to open a beautiful diamond ring from my hubby!
Here is our little family Christmas photo. We are grateful that we had today to spend together.

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