Thursday, March 25, 2010

Nana & Papa visit

We had a nice visit with Nana & Papa last weekend. It was busy! Matt ran the Gate River Run, a 15K and I ran the 5K. Nana & Papa enjoyed some time with the kiddos. After the race, we came back and all headed to the beach....

On Sunday, Matt's Uncle Al & Aunt Joan joined us for a cookout. They brought Cooper an early birthday present. Check out the awesome firetruck toy box that Al made for Coop! He loves it!!

Sunday was also Al's birthday, so we celebrated with some cake! Family friends, the Mendenhalls, were also able to join us for the afternoon.
Both sets of guests brought their 2 year old dogs, both named Charley. Here's Charley with Joan meeting Riley.
Quiet time with Papa.
Game time--notice the silly boy in the background!

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